One Light Portraits: Alex Restivo

Unplanned, we utilized a nice black painted wall in the back of the EIDOS showroom to punch out a few portraits and details after the show. The black comes up a rich indigo tone. Octobank firing as low as it would go, 50mm wide open (some of these hit 1.2)... 

I'll share some over the next few days, starting with my friend Mr Alex Restivo. 

Alex Restivo // 50mm, f1.2, ISO100, 1/200

Alex Restivo // 50mm, f1.2, ISO100, 1/200

SIDE NOTE // I've been shooting a lot of people wearing Stòffa recently and love it -- suede shoots so well, in color or black and white. Such a great texture to wear or to shoot. I also feel like suede has a bad wrap for being 'fancy'... but more and more it's becoming so much easier to dress down with brands like Eidos and Stoffa. Sure, you should care about it to a certain extent but you also need to wear it. And not care too much. It's tougher than you think. 

Alex is wearing the Stòffa chocolate brown asymmetric jacket, "001"


One Light Portraits : Sarrah Candee


Complete EIDOS AW16 Lookbook